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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Opportunities: Getting involved!

Is anyone involved in non-academic activities?

It is a great idea to get involved in activities out of the academic arena. It gives you a chance to experiment with other fields of study/interest and you can have fun in the process.  By becoming engaged in extracurricular activities it also allows you to gain new skills, knowledge, and increase your sense of self-worth. Not only does it benefit you, but it can also help you be more competitive when you are applying for a job or university.

You can become involved with clubs such as the Boy's & Girl's Club where they have different kind of activities you can be part of. If that is not your thing, you can also try joining a sport at school or outside of school. Being part of a sport promotes discipline, exercise and team work--things that will most likely come in handy for job and school applications. Another way you can get involved is by becoming a volunteer at an organization. There are many volunteer opportunities for different interests. For example, you can volunteer at a hospital, a child care helping with kids or even a dog shelter. Anything you decide to be a part of  will definitely teach you something new, you will gain new skills, and will demonstrate your level of dedication and responsibility.

After middle school and high school, it is also a super great idea to keep being part of something you like while attending college. At California State University of Los Angeles you can even try to get involved with Choices CAMP! As you may already know, the goal of this organization is to educate students about sexual health through entertainment. You can also take part in a course on Participatory Action Research: Health Promotion in Adolescence. The course works closely with Choices CAMP and teaches you about conducting research, collecting and analyzing data, and priceless experience going to schools to teach students about health education.

Check out this video of Jennifer Lopez a successful Latina woman that was positively influenced by being part of an organization. Be GREAT, reach your full potential by getting involved and staying a happy healthy teen :)

Are you currently involved in an organization or activity? What would  you be interested in getting involved with? Share all your stories with us! :)

Have an amazing day!
Choices CAMP :)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Theater Production Update...

So far we have performed at three schools--Potrero Middle School, Sierra Vista Middle School, and Edgewood Academy. Is anyone of our followers a student at these schools? Tell us, what did you think of the show?

Our premier show was at Potrero Middle School in La Puente with an audience of approximately 170 students. Then we were at Sierra Vista Middle School with a similar turnout of students. Unfortunately we did not have time left after the show to answer questions, but no worries, you can send us your questions or comments in anyone of your social networking sites :)
After the second show one of your cast members had to leave us but luckily we were able to find a replacement in time for our most current show, which was at Edgewood Academy. We had a great session of question and answers, all the students had great questions and comments for us.

Choices CAMP would like to thank all you guys and girls for being such great audience. We had tons of fun going to your schools and answering questions. If there were any unanswered questions, let us know :)
We're looking forward to the other schools we will be visiting in the coming weeks. If you'd like to check out our calendar for the upcoming schools or events, visit our website here.

Have a beautiful day!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Finally on Blogspot!

Hey Friends!
We are happy to announce that we are finally on Blogspot! High-five! :)
This blog has been created specially for you, guys and girls, to visit for updates on the theater  production, community and health information. It is also a place where you can ask questions in our comments section. Feel free to also email us with any questions at You can also ask us questions on  Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, or YouTube. Please use these tools to your advantage amigos y amigas! :)

Have a great day!
